The Gibson County Recorder’s Office, in partnership with FIDLAR Technologies, is excited to continue to offer a program for our Veterans called Honor Rewards. With Honor Rewards, veterans can sign-up at our office or online to receive an Honor Rewards Card, which qualifies them for discounts and incentives at participating businesses in our community. This service is being made available at no cost to the county or its’ taxpayers.
To sign up, the veteran needs to visit www.honorrewards.com, click on Gibson County, IN, and fill out the form with details on when they served and what branch of the armed forces they served in. If an individual prefers to fill out the form with our office, instead of online, they can visit our office during business hours and we will help them get signed up.
Local businesses and retailers can participate in the service by contacting our office or using the Business Sign-Up link on www.honorrewards.com. By participating, their business name will be listed on the Honor Rewards website for Gibson County, provided to Veterans who receive an Honor Rewards Card, and will be regularly mentioned in email blasts to current Honor Rewards members. In addition, we will provide participating businesses with promotional materials like door stickers and flyers to promote their involvement.
For more information, contact www.honorrewards.com or Gibson County Record at 812-385-3332 or www.gcrecorder@gibsoncounty-in.gov.